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That's quite an insight - and you clearly know yourself very well!

I'm glad you were aware of the not shuffling properly thing! I end up shuffling loads of times - probably a lot more than your eight times to be honest. I'm also quite manipulative by not randomly turning some of them upside down. I still end up with reversed cards though so there's no use trying to escape that way.

I think all of your analysis about the K-s is probably quite correct - it's all of those things. It also strikes me that perhaps the K-s represents your animus? If you resonate more with the Q-w then that kind of makes sense. It could also be seen as a positive sign because it implies balance (which may also explain these cards sometimes being reversed). The instinctive energy of the Q-w would, after all, require focus and direction (K-s). Do you know what your ascendent is in astrology? That might provide a clue. The ascendent is a measure of 'how' you do things. So, for example, I'm Aquarius with Sagittarius ascendent, meaning I do Aquarian things in a Sagittarian way (ironically, I always associate the Q-w with Sagittarius, and there's a certain amount of K-s in Aquarius). So yes, I think looking at your birth chart might provide some pointers!

I think only you can know whether it's a sign of 'not resolving the issue' (negative) or 'an energy which is accompanying you' (positive).

Of course - maybe you could take out that card, place it to the side, and then use the rest of the deck to do a reading specifically asking about all of this? That's where things get creative and fun, of course!

RE: Judgment - in my Cat People deck this card is known as 'Rejuvenation', and has an overt and direct reference to reincarnation. The classic Rider-Waite deck version 'judgement' always struck me as a little to biblical for my liking! Rejuvenation, however, is so much more positive, as it focuses on the 'rebirth' aspect, rather than the 'looking backwards' and 'being judged for what you've done (or not done)' aspect. As often, it's a question of perspective.

RE: Emperor - I think you're quite right about your interpretation. I think it's a combination of the animus thing I mentioned above, and the practicality/groundedness thing. If this was in large part about your creativity (writing, etc.), then being focused and organised about it is precisely this positive thing. I've noticed that about myself in fact since starting my Substack. Self-enforced deadlines and all that.

But yes - I'd do a specific reading about all this!

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